Tuesday 21 April 2015

Evaluation 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Overall the process of creating this media product i have used different types of technological products that include using them hands on and on a computer.


The hardware's in which i have used throughout the whole of the course are as follows: the camera recorder and the tripod. Throughout the whole of the video i have had to use the camera and the tripod together as they where the only items that we needed in order to film our product. Furthermore, i have had to upload the footage onto the computer so that i was able to use it with other programs and software's or example: premiere pro and Photoshop. Additionally, the camera was used when doing some of the blog posts for example: our meetings, storyboard and our animatic. Likewise, the tripod was used through the whole process of filming. There wasn't a time were we didn't use the tripod due to the fact that it was a very important item that we needed to use in order to succeed in making our media product. The tripod was extremely important to us as it held the camera still and enabled us to get the best out of taking our shots and recording.
The tripod was a major part of the whole media product as it is a portable three legged frame, used as a platform for supporting the weight of a camera. As well as, it maintains the stability of the camera as well. A tripod provides stability against downward forces and horizontal forces and movements about horizontal axes. In addition, the positioning of the three legs away from the vertical center allows the tripod better leverage for resisting lateral forces. Nonetheless, all of the work that we was editing from was done on the I Mac and this was the best computer to work on as it contained the correct software.

There has been plenty of software apps that i have had to use throughout the media product making. The most commonly used software apps were Premiere pro and adobe Photoshop. Adobe Premiere pro is a timeline-based video editing software application. Similarly it is part of the Adobe Creative cloud which includes video editing, graphic design and web development. Correspondingly, Adobe Photoshop is a raster graphics editor developed and published by Adobe systems for Windows and OS X. Nonetheless, both Adobe Premier pro and Adobe Photoshop were the only two most important software applications in which had to use to help make our media product due to the fact that they are the best editing software applications that anyone can use especially for a film. Moreover, we used these software's in order to put all of the footage together and edit any sound effects or extra audio which needed to put put in for example we needed to use Adobe Premier pro so that we could make sure that the action was perfectly in time with the sound.


Internet sites:

There has been plenty of internet sites that i used for example: Popplet, Prezi, Padlet, Blogger, YouTube, Twitter, Slidshare ETC. However, there was an internet site that i explored and enjoyed using the most and for me that was Prezi this is because it enables you to do blog posts which were made from other technological applications. Most of all to create the blog posts i have had to use blogger. Nevertheless, i have used YouTube to upload the recordings of our videos in which we made for example: our sound exercise and our cinematography exercise. All in all, we have used the internet a lot throughout the course of creating our media product.

Thursday 9 April 2015

Audience feedback

The audience in which i had shown my product to all commented and mentioned how much my product stood out in terms of being a good thriller opening. Furthermore, they said that they liked what had been done with the setting. As well as, my parents mentioned how good it was and that it will be a success. Additionally, my friends mentioned that the mise-en-scene was confusing to understand the scenery as it was bright and colourful.

Tuesday 7 April 2015


The above is our fully finished thriller media product that i showed to my friends and family. Both my friends and family commented on it and said how brilliant a thriller film opening it was. I used my mobile phone to show it to my Grandparents it in which they said it was outstanding for an opening of a thriller. As well as, my friends from sixth form mentioned that the scene was mysterious and hard to understand which in this case is good for the audience as it will confuse them.

Monday 6 April 2015

Designing/making title sequence

When making the title sequence I had my titles fade in and out of the screen. The reason for this is so it gave it a professional look but also give it that thriller feel. The way I did this is by using Adobe Premier Pro, this is also whilst I was editing my video. As I added text, I moved all the text to the bottom left of the screen. Then I used a type of fountain pen tool, this allowed me to put in the fade in and fade out effect to my title sequences.

Saturday 4 April 2015

Designing/Making: Ident

The way I did my studio ident was by downloading a Adobe After Effects template from the internet, what I then went onto doing is by opening the file on Adobe After Effects, what this allowed me to do was edit the way it moves, colours and text. Allowed me to making into my own personal thing. So what I then did was add text "XKILLER PRODUCTION" as the studio ident. Once I did this I exported the file as a video and imported it on to my thriller opening during the editing process.

Thursday 2 April 2015

Finished Thriller opening

This is our Final finished thriller film opening. Within this story there is two male characters one is dead and one is alive. However, the story remains who is the person lying dead on the floor? No one knows who the person is. Nevertheless, at the end there is someone on the phone who speaks to someone and he mentions that the job is done.

Friday 6 March 2015

First Draft

This is what we have currently recorded so far for our opening thriller.

Thursday 5 March 2015

Editing 1

Today we have been editing for our opening thriller scene. During this editing we have been looking at the best possible ways to make this an efficient thriller by trying to add the best features from previous thriller conventions. As well as, we have been showing off our editing techniques by slowing down the speed of some shots due to the fact that where trying to use a range of fast and slow shots by mixing the past of the shots.

Friday 27 February 2015

First day of filming

In this blog, i will be speaking about our first meeting together as a group. At the start of this day, myself and my colleague Ufuk meet each other in the morning at exactly 10.00am and we got to the shop in which we was using at 11.00am. Then we began recording at around 12.00am we felt that this would be an approximate time to start recording as the lighting was perfect for our mise-en-scene. Also, we tried to get all the shots that we needed. However, there were people distracting the filming due to the fact they where arguing with each other.

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Risk assessment sheet

Person(s) at Risk
Likelihood of Hazard
1 – Extremely Unlikely
5 – Extremely Likely
Severity of Hazard Outcomes
1 – Very Low Risk
5 – Very High Risk
Risk Level
(Likelihood + Severity)
Measures to Take to Manage Risk
Risk Managed?
There is a bit of an uneven ground.
Billy and Ufuk
Make sure that everyone is aware of the ground and that we practise using it.
There is a possibility of a car coming due to the fact that there is a Gym and a shopping store right next to it.
Billy and Ufuk
Try not to leave the area within the back of the shop and always be aware of any vehicles.
There could be traffic coming out of the Gym and the shopping stores might be packed.
Billy and Ufuk
Just generally check for oncoming traffic that might be a risk of stopping us from recording.

Emergency Service:

Ibrahim Akif Ozgul


Robert Clack School:
020 8270 4222           

Other Contacts:           

Coral Martin


Monday 16 February 2015

Location Visit Sheet

Location Visit Sheet

Title: Catch 45
Writer: Billy and Ufuk
Producers: Billy and Ufuk
Directors: Billy and Ufuk
Date: 12/01/2015

The location of the film will be held at the back of T&G dry cleaners, which are in Ilford, and the owner of the shop is Ufuk Ozgul’s father. Furthermore, the location of the area is at the back of a shop. The reason we are using this area is because it is an area with bright lighting when dark and we know the area very well.

Rough Sketch/Explanation of location and key points to note

Access to location via:
As fellow pupils of the school we are granted permission and we have passes into the school therefore we have the ability to film in this location.

Name and number of location contact:

Ibrahim Akif Ozgul

 Health and Safety Issues to note:

      The area can contain lorry’s and cars at certain times
Potential Filming Problems:

      There may be cars driving about

Additional Notes:  (map of area/weather forecast etc.)