There are many different styles of editing when it comes to films and movie producing. As well as there are many different types of transitions/cuts throughout the whole of a film.
A dissolve is when a shot fades off screen whilst another shot fades within the screen and takes jumps in its place. The reason in which this is done is because the audience will be able to see both shots on the screen at one time during the midpoint of the dissolve. This type of transition is usually used if the director of the film wants to show a communication/connection between two objects, characters or places.
Straight cut:
The fade shot is when the screen starts darkening or whitening. As well as the image starts to get lighter or darker until it gradually becomes full black or full white. However, one shot will only fade until there is absolutely nothing that can is visible apart from the colour in it which faded to. The fade shot is often included to show how time goes by within a movie or a film.

The definition of a wipe is when one image is token off screen by another image. Furthermore, the image can be pulled off screen this could be to the left or to the right. However it is more likely to be pulled off screen to the left side of the screen due to the fact that this is better associated with time increasing.
Jump cut:
The jump cut transition is when the audiences attention is grabbed and took onto something unusually and then it jumps to the object. It then appears like apart of the film has been missing.
Graphic Match:

A graphic match is when the maker of the film decides to choose to place a shot in a certain order one by one. This is done like this to create a fine visual transfer from one object straight to another. The two key objects that have all the attention appear to look similar as this invents smooth transaction. As you can see within this video one thing is going straight through to another.
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